Saturday, July 07, 2007

Do speed suits make you swim faster? Park thinks so!

This from Swim News:

"...After donning the suit, Park [Tae-hwan] endured a 2,000m test set, the result a time of 21mins 14.49, some 22sec faster than his previous test best. "I am satisfied with this bodysuit. It feels a good fit to my body and I feel as if I'm floating higher on the water," Park told local reporters. "I plan to wear the suit for next year's Olympic Games. I want to make my best records there, while adjusting myself to the suit during the pre-Olympic period. ..." [Link]

It is a Speedo FS II specifically tailored for Park which leads me to believe that Speedo sewed some Benjamin Franklins' in the fabric of his wallet so as to make it go so faster as well.

Link to a movie which I can't get to work on my Mac: [Link]

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