Sunday, January 20, 2008

I found some Michael Phelps butterfly drills on 'You Tube' this afternoon.

Phelps actually uses a weight belt for one of the drills. Note how flexible his feet are when he does so.


Anonymous said...

Great find! I gotta admit I'm a big fin of dolphin kick on your back with hands by your side during workout. As a person who hates kick sets this is the only way I really ever want to kick.

Scott said...

As my workout meters slowly grow I've started to add 200 or 300 fly kicking drills, mostly with fins. Right now its all on my back but I'll be adding the side drill which is a favorite of my coach. Brad also highly recommends the vertical kick drill, though invariably I find myself slowly descending to the bottom trying that one, so it's on my list to do sometime later as I improve. Interesting about the dolphin on the back with arms at the side drill. Since it emphasizes strengthening the core muscles I'll be adding this to my drills right away. Thanks Tony (and the NBAC) for a great video. Loved the coach's comment about Phelps submerged dolphin, "It's very good kicking". Am I correct to think the coach must be Paul Yetter?