Monday, August 24, 2009

Speedo to start an underwear line!

Speedo wants to start an underwear line and they actually have people on their payroll that suggested this would be a really good idea!


WAG, model and all round fashion plate Lara Bingle joined the ranks of lingerie model with the launch of Speedo's first underwear line, Speedo Underbody, which she spruiked with swim star Andrew Lauterstein yesterday.


In the "Boys Gone Wild" photo above, Andrew Lauterstein is featured on the right and Nick D'Arcy is featured on the left.

The image was yanked from the CourierMail who yanked it from Nick D'Arcy's Facebook page.


Scott said...

There for the grace of God go I.

If I had seen Nick D'Arcy pulling a stunt like that in my pub I'd be making a snide comment or two myself. Hopefully soto voice so as not to give offense.

Glenn said...

If a certain swimming "journalist" were to cover this story, he should be crying about all the companies that have been committed to underwear sales for years, and that Speedo is merely getting into it for the money.

Tony Austin said...

That guy is a wanker and he has received the "SCAQ Blog death penalty." That is to say: I will never link to him nor say his name.

Other people on "death row" include Amy Shipley and Nicole Jeffrey. I may say their names but I won't link to them till they redeem themselves.

I will not that that Amy Shipley of the Washington is appealing my decision

Tim said...

Interesting to hear what it is about Amy Shipley and Nicole Jeffrey...

Tony Austin said...

Shipley and Jeffrey were my favorite swim writers but when they began to evangelize, or forward anti-tech suit rhetoric which verged on Speedo talking points, I became upset.

I was OK with their difference of opinion for the first 15 or 16 articles they wrote quoting Bowman and Thompson but somewhere around the 80th or 90th rant, I spit at my monitor and shouted GUILTY!

I won't link to them or the "Voldemort of tech suits," that guy in the UK.