Saturday, July 02, 2011

Hazmat suits: Trendy summer wear for swimmers in the Anacostia River at the Waterfront Park in Bladensburg, MD.

BLADENSBURG, Md: The Anacostia River river is so polluted that politicians and protesters wanted to point out all the garbage that is flowing freely into the Chesapeake Bay to the press but they had to put on "hazmat suits" before going into the water.

From the Home town Annapolis website:
Warm, sunny weather. Hardly a cloud in the sky. A light breeze.

But then again, there was trash - and lots of it: bottles, cans, a container of instant noodles, a tennis ball, a condom. (In its wrapper, thankfully.)

And there also was a slick, oily sheen on the water.


All these people want is water that you can safely swim and fish in. Our water is a resource and should be treated with the same reverence and attention that is reserved for crude oil.

This river is a mere mile or two from our nations capital.

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