Friday, June 01, 2007

What does Arizona and Venezuela have in common? Albert Subirats!

Venezuela's, Albert Subirats, trains with Frank Busch at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Something both Venezuela and the United States are summarily proud of despite political tensions between the two nations.

"King Albert", as he is know in Venezuela, placed third behind Michael Phelps and Ian Crocker in the 100 fly final by half-a-body-length at the FINA World Championships last month. (See the video above)

Frank Busch in this Swim News article; [Link] says he is even getting faster. An Olympic win in the 100 fly for "King Albert" would not only validate South America but the coaching staff at the University of Arizona as well.

Two dissimilar nations can work together it appears. France and Italy should take note.


Anonymous said...

Frank Busch was my coach when I swam with the team there - not U of A. It was called Hillenbrand (the name of the aquatic center there) at the time. Does this guy swim for the university?

Tony Austin said...

You must be fast! Busch is coaching all the elites from the South African Team such as Roland Schoeman et al. And he coached Amanda Beard too, right?

I believe Albert does go to school there as well.

Tony Austin said...

LBG? Are you a Long Beach Grunion? If so, you all threw a great meet at Belmont last December. Short Course Meters Championships. I loved it!

Anonymous said...

I'm Nancy. And that was 15 years ago, so maybe he wasn't such a celebrity coach back then. :-)