Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Catalina Island to the mainland is 20.4 miles. This guy swam it!

Randy A., a SCAQ swimmer and a writer for a large metropolitan newspaper. (No really, this newspaper is huge! It's a planet-wide brand name), sent all of us this You Tube link this afternoon. This documentry is so cool. This is what it is like to swim from Catalina Island to the coast of mainland America. That's right! 20.4 miles, baby! It makes all those San Francisco swimmers who blow my mind look like wussies. Marc Lewis, the swimmer, is indeed a God.

I am not done watching this yet but I think only a few dozen people on record have done this swim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great video. Thanks!

> I think only a few dozen people
> on record have done this swim.

Looks to be about 134. See Catalina Successes.