Imagine what sort of carbon resources it takes to get to the north pole? There is the flight itself, the snow vehicles, or helicopter rides, and a vast support team to revive him if things go untoward but skip all that
Adventurers tell us that the ice sheets at the North Pole are in a constant kinetic state. Imagine clouds in the sky; but in this case it is ice upon water, slowly moving and merging into one another accompanied with an audible roar of crunching and tumbling ice. So, not only does he have to get to the North Pole, he has to find a suitable pool. A pool that may or may not be there hours later.
Now let's assume it all goes well. He finds a pool, they find a nice place to land, he suits up, the support staff is ready, he puts on some sun screen and is ready to swim. The water he will be jumping into will be roughly 28-29 degrees Fahrenheit; a temperature that will kill a vast majority of land dwelling animals or freeze anything solid within your refrigerator. What does this prove?
Physics tells us that he will either die or barely survive this swim and while his support crew is using all sorts of expensive equipment to monitor his health and warm his core temp to the point of a life sustaining temperature once he exits, the only point he will truly make is that he has a personality disorder and that it to f-ing cold to swim at the North Pole.
Nothing new will be contributed to our knowledge about global warming. Anything he sees or experiences has been seen, cataloged or experience within other scientific disciplines. This swim will probably have skeptics or the uneducated laughing in delight as they watch a middle age man attempt to prove that he alone can do a 15 minute swim at the North Pole in ridiculously extreme conditions.
So, does global warming exist? Yes, Is there a preponderance of evidence that there are pockets of water at the north pole? Yes! Is it so warm there that a human being can swim there? NO!
This article from thePoles.com explains life at the poles: [Link]
There are also satellite photos of the north pole as well at earthobservatory.nasa.gov: [Link]
I suppose everybody needs their 15 minutes of fame....
If he can swim 1,000 meters in that cold, dry suit or not, he deserves his fame, even if it takes more than fifteen minutes (likely much more). Crazy bugger!
Wow, he did it in only a speedo!
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