These creatures would fly in the sky like an octopus does underwater and we earthlings started getting really pissed off about it. You can't have tie-dye octopus 'thingys' flaying all around in the sky.
They sensed this so they moved their operations into the ocean where they found an abundant food source which happened to be salt. This also benefited several regions of the earth because after they ingested large volumes of salt, they would sh*t gold and it would wash up on beaches to be harvested by poor children.
The octopuses knew what countries needed it the most so they would usually hang out around Africa and India. The kids of earth were so stoked that they started wearing knitted tie-dye octopuses as hats and such. People were getting tattoos of them, and the standard of living raised everywhere. Imagine finding an octopus's golden turd on the beach?
So when I woke up, I wanted to know if anyone has ever made an octopus hat for the snow but nobody has! If someone out there would make me an Octopus hat, I will pay them $200.
These pictures from Craftzine: [Link]
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