Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jellyfish pull off surprise attack on salmon farm : 100,000 salmon destroyed

From the Times Online: "...more than 100,000 salmon wiped out by jellyfish off the coast of Northern Ireland in a single attack.

Billions of the tiny jellyfish, covering an area of up to ten square miles (27 sq km) and up to 35ft (13.6m) deep, swamped fish-farm cages belonging to Northern Salmon Co and killed more than 100,000 salmon – valued at more than £1 million. ..."

"... The salmon died from their wounds and from the stress of the jellyfish stings. At one stage staff tried to reach the cages in three boats, but such was the density of the jellyfish they struggled to get through and arrived too late to make a difference. ..." [Link]

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