Sunday, June 29, 2008

China's smog problems are relentless!

From inhabitat: Already a large number of athletes are severely concerned about how competing in the Olympics will harm their health and chances at winning. The Australian track and field team, and the Canadian athletics team are skipping the opening ceremony due to concerns about pollution. [Link]

Hopefully the air in the Watercube is filtered. If smog screws up these Olympic Games then the IOC royally screwed up by choosing a country devoid of air clean enough to compete in. The blame should be placed on the IOC rather than China.

1 comment:

Scott said...

One of the standards applied for a pool to qualify for Olympic status is its air quality; though I believe it's primarily concerned with the ventilation of chlorine. Hopefully they've added some carbon filtration to the building's HVAC system as a precautionary measure. I'll also add the fact they've scheduled the shutting down of virtually all polluting industries in a wide circle around Beijing two or three weeks ahead of the Games should have a marked impact on pollution levels.

But by golly I feel for the marathoners.