Sunday, August 24, 2008

I found a link to 'Virtual Swim' on Steve Munatones' site, 10kswimmer

I betcha' I am the last person to know about this site but in case I am the second-to-the-last person to know about this site, it's called "Virtual-Swim." In their own words they describe themslves as follows: "...Virtual Swim enables competitive and masters swimmers to create customized animations to compare themselves swimming side-by-side against the world’s best swimmers from 26 different angles. ..."

Contained on the site are quadratic angles of virtual swimmers doing different strokes including starting off the blocks. They use Flash player that allows you to view 3D models of all the strokes save for backstroke. Here is a link to such an example: [Link]

In my opinion Virtual Swim should take it to the next level and make the 3D models more detailed perhaps using a program such as Smith Micro's Poser, however, I think the site is really fun and extraordinarily useful for a newer swimmer or triathlete.

Here is a link to Steve Munatones' site: 10k Swimmer


Unknown said...

I love the "grub start"!

Incidentally, the link to 10Kswimmer doesn't work for me.

Tony Austin said...

All fixed now. Thank you for catching that. :-)

Steven Munatones said...

You can also overlay your own animation (aquatic avatar) to that of a famous swimmer in order to compare. Check out

Q-Swim said...

What Steve is doing is a labor of love to advance the cause of smarter swimming. I'm not sure he can ever monetize his effort but it sure is fun to watch!

Tony Austin said...

I think what Virtual Swimmer does is extraordinarily useful. I am not critical of it whatsoever, and I love

As for monetizing, I won't monetize either.

Chus said...

This is what I think: Erin Popovich