For all your "purists" out there, you all have my permission to go swim in your wool suits and no goggles but allow that guy in the photo above to go swim in his CH2-CC1-CH_CH2 "Batman" suit!
Seriously, if speed suits make you more buoyant, then they should be banned across the board from age group swimming to the Olympics. However, if they don't and the material is solely about coefficient drag flow or how "slippery" the suit handles within the water, then suit companies should be unfettered and let loose to create suits that allow any swimmer reach their maximum potential.
The photo above comes from Ben Vankat's photostream
Here is a direct link to the photo: [Link]
Why is Ryan Lochte not wearing his bathing cap in that photo?
Why is Ryan Lochte not wearing his bathing cap in that photo?
Wow! That was a low blow!
You have to actually read Craig Lord's other article posted the same day to understand the concerns about the technology behind the suits. In USA Votes to Ban the Bodysuit he goes into the potential of the technology introduced. A snippet of that editorial goes like this
But there is something much darker lurking in the birthing pool: a supersuit that works with the body, that interacts directly with the central nervous system and brain, a suit that is capable of "interactive biofeedback". In time, it may be able to remove pain. The full doping suit is a stroke of science away and no FINA rules are currently in place to stop it.
Lord then goes on to quote an independent source saying
“There is a wide open opportunity for design of a completely new industry in the direction that FINA has opened up for swimsuit technology. Lots of money is out there, it is only a matter of time before the sport has completely and permanently changed into a totally different sport. Swimming is rare ... it relies on the direct interaction of the human nervous system and the environment. This can all be done with conventional textiles ... already being used in suits that FINA has approved. It would be impossible to describe limitations in engineering in a rule document that would prevent the suit from activating the nervous system."
We're way beyond buoyancy issues here! I have to laugh at your last line about allowing any swimmer to reach their full potential. Just how many millions need to be spent on swim suit R&D before we find out what we're capable of?
The article you quote is about the need for action on this matter rather than on the suit itself, which is why the two were posted together. You evidently read both seeing your "Batman" quote - why didn't you quote and link to the relevant article?
I only saw the one article that I linked too.
If I knew he used "Batman" as an analogy first, I would have tried to top it because that is something I would do. Maybe use a euphemism like "Ninja", "Victoria Secret" outfit or I would make one up like Demon-Nano-Skin for I hate stealing one's rhetoric.
The "Batman" analogy is the only pop-culture superhero I know who has the highest recognition and who is known to wear a black costume that does tricks.
Next, there is a textile out there that will oxygenate your muscles. Should that be acceptable? In my opinion only in a workout.
As for the central nervous system stuff, that is obviously doping since one's consciousness is being altered.
When I said a suit that allows a swimmer to swim as fast as his potential. I meant a fabric that only influences drag against the water and nothing more. Oxygenation, central nervous system "mods" are clearly unethical.
Who is paying Craig Lord and why has he seemingly such a unique bias?
Hi Herbert, From reading his articles he generally brings up flotation, neoprene, and wetsuit material as his biggest upsets.
In my opinion these are obvious slams towards the b70 and now the TYR Titan.
He seemed to be on board with the LZR in the beginning, at least that is how I interpreted his articles, but has now made it clear he does not approve swim suits with zippers either as the Australian Governing Body has suggested.
I have never read anything he has written that has slammed Arena in any way. He has spoken glowingly of them when discussing an alternative to the LZR if my memory is correct; (My memory is generally sketchy), and Arena has zippers and panels too.
Were you quoting me when you wrote: "...why has he seemingly such a unique bias?..."
Happy to see Peirsol with Arena
great to have an American with them. Mr.Austin don't you believe
Craig Lord makes some really good
I am happy that Piersol is swimming under contract too. :-) Craig Lord is very good swim journalist; (better than I could ever be), who especially excels when he publishes in the Times Online
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