Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Federica Pelligrini has a nice website and the intro is definitely not hard to look at!

It is one of the better swimmer websites: the intro has some lovely "cheesecake" shots; one includes the tattoo on her neck; a video page; a results page; a bio; news, and a "yummy" photo gallery.

The site is nice and contains lots of details which are all in English for us lazy, monolingual, Americans!

Oh, she's available too according to the bio! 0_o [Link]


Charlie said...

I thought she was going out with Laure Manaudou's old boyfriend, Luca Marin?

God I am such a gossip. Next thing you know I will be watching TMZ!

Tony Austin said...

How about that Lindsay Lohan, Samatha Ronson soap opera! I just ordered my 'Team Lindsay' shirt yesterday. ;-)

Amit said...

Oh wow, she's definitely not hard to look at!