Friday, January 02, 2009

The mighty 'Polar Bear Swims' of 2009

Wow! They know how to party in Southwest Wales, Great Britain! Someone dressed up as a dragon too. From the BBC: "...At Abersoch in Gwynedd, swimmers raised money for the lifeboat station and in Amroth, Pembrokeshire, about 30 dressed as Elvis Presley to take the plunge.

At Saundersfoot, organisers said more than 1,200 swimmers and thousands more spectators turned up for the new year dip.

Ms Ryder-Richardson, who owns a small zoo nearby, was on the beach in style in a zebra printed jeep and launched the race to the sea with the release of a giant firework.... [Link]

The Olympian: "...Polar Bear Plunge participants Gavin and Rachel Estep, Sean Van Ausdal,Jordan Bowen, Matt Sikora along with Jacqueline and Jeff Estep (l-r) take on a barbarian theme for their costuming as they join an estimated 300 other swimmers for the 25th annual event Jan. 1st at Long Lake in Lacey. Steve Bloom/The Olympian. ..." Link to photo gallery: [Link]
: "...Hundreds of spectators stood shaking their heads as swimmers raced toward the water at 11 a.m., with the temperature at 13 degrees and winds gusting up to 29 miles per hour, making it feel more like minus-6 degrees. But the exhilarated swimmers called it the perfect way to wash away the past and welcome the New Year. ..." [Link]

New York Times
Coney Island, New York - 2009 [Link]

Dude, put a pair of trunks on that "$1.50" of yours - Naked from Crescent Beach, Cananda:

News 1130: "...Earlier today, the Skinnydipper Recreation Club and Surrey United Naturists hosted the 3rd annual charity swim at the large boulder south of Crescent Beach. Yes, they swam in the 2 degree water, in the nude. Air temperatures were also 2 degrees. One man we talked with as he ran back toward the shore called it 'invigorating'. Many of the nude swimmers maintain it's actually better to go without a swimsuit, because when you get out of the water, the wet swimsuit stays wet and cold, or can freeze to your skin! ..." [Link]

Gotta have ice at Dartmouth or it isn't really considered a "Polar Bear Swim!" "...Teague said several traditional events were well-attended, citing the Human Dogsled Race, which she said had “lots of energy,” as well as the annual Polar Bear Swim. Thursday’s warmer temperatures and the surface thickness of the ice on Occom Pond threatened to derail the Swim, she said, but weather conditions ended up being favorable enough for the event to take place.

According to Teague, around 315-400 people turned up for the event. ..." [Link]

Could not have said it better myself! :-)


Charlie said...

I was tempted to to the Polar Bear swim in Venice yesterday, but I decided not to risk a bad shoulder ahead of SMC pool reopening next week.

Ahelee said...

My swimmer friends around the world laugh when I talk about our "Polar Bear Swim" in SoCal!

This year the water was 55 degrees in Laguna Beach.
Tropical as they say...

Tony Austin said...

I was going to take photos of the Venice event but I got pulled away to a breakfast. I am glad your shoulder is doing better Charlie

Tony Austin said...

Ahelee, you're right! We name a name change - how about: "The Mighty Koala Bear Swims" of So Cal. ;-)