Friday, February 19, 2010

2010 will be all about the win column not the swim times or WRs!

When tech suits were banned, every pro-swimmer's business plan changed. It is not about times and world records any more. WR times and such are so over and virtually irrelevant.

Two things will matter: First off, The more races an athlete swims, the more Internet traffic, face time, and exposure they will generate for both their brands and themselves. Winning will be vital. Think boxing or the UFC; What will matter now is how many races an athlete has swam and how many wins they have collected?

Next is personality and fan accessibility: Races will be for heroes only! Fans don't want to hear odd statements before a meet such as "this is just a tune up meet," or "I'm just swimming through this one," These excuses won't fly when your sponsor is trying to sell a pair or $80 jammers. Athletes will only be as good as their last race and I predict they will pick their races wisely because wins and fan base will be the only marketable item that will allow a swimmer to gain or maintain sponsorship!


Ahelee said...

Take a look at the Women's Pac10 - 200 IM!

Julia Smit set goals to beat her tech-suit times and has done it!
This won't be the last one.

Julia is very lean.
Athletes like this and those who are technically correct with their swim strokes and turns will overcome the suit advantage.

Personally, I can't wait to have these swimmers put the hush on the negative press about the tech suits.
Just swim FAST everyone!

Tony Austin said...

I did but keep in mind the women's suits have more real estate than the men's suit. When the men post equal results then I will agree that it is the swimmer.

Very inspiring swim.