Also, I have said so many times before in the comments section that the SCAQ blog readers are for more knowledgeable than I am, and consequently, I want your voice. What sort of section do you want? Le me explain, I want in some way to allow user submitted content. What are your thoughts on that or what are your thoughts in general?
If you notice, Glenn Mill is the Swim Technique adviser to the site and he will hook us up with drills and short blasts of aquatic info. I am very flattered that I was able to talk him into it. His input and endorsement will make the site great.
I pulled off another coup which I can talk about is a few weeks.
I will start posting more screen shots as the site gets more fleshed out. I am looking forward to hearing what you would like it to be.
This is extremely excellent. Looking forward to seeing more of this ...
Hey Tony:
Really surprised that a high tech swimsuit guy like you, would use such a low tech approach when it comes to swimming technique.
Ahhhh. Another case of "internet brave". The coward posts, then runs. Pretty funny.
Was that you Craig? Glenn Mills is a suit guy as well.
Is it called Touchpad? I'm trying to read through the blur.
The layout looks great, very clean and orderly. As much as I would like to see a complete category breakdown for diving - I think just a "diving" section would suffice as a catch-all for Olympic diving and Cliff Diving (and Splashdiving if you want to cater to the German daredevil audience).
Just please please don't put diving under "other"!
Diving is good then. I will add a diving section and add Red Bull stuff and platform as well.
LOVE THE SUITS (and will miss them).
Just got my new Blueseventy wetsuit for the 4.5 mile Bay swim for next month, and a great Blueseventy Jammer for my 10 miler in July. But I'm sure Anonymous will have something bad to say about that because I shouldn't do what I want, I should do what he/she wants (who could tell, not brave enough to sign their name). ;)
Where is the humor section? Stuff like, did you know that Alaska now has 5 separate open water swims, including one that takes place in North Pole, Alaska.
Or did you see who Clay was with last Saturday--I guess its true that eyesight and memory are the first things to go.
(the first is true, the second is not true to my knowledge).
I will call the Clay section "Dinner with Clay"
HAHAHAAHA, that was funny.
I have seen your website and it looks so nice. It would be really useful for those guys who love swimming.
All the best!
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