BLAM - My comment deleted! My rejection went something like this:
I’m not sure who gave you the impression that your post was offensive. I deleted it because I believed it violated forum rules. For example “Debates are fine, but argue the point, not the person.” Also, in my opinion (which was not shared by some other moderators) the question of Mike’s coaching experience was off-topic and had nothing to do with the question posed by the thread.
But get this, If I had said any remark that was anti-gay; which is something I would never, ever, do, not only would it have been published but the USMS would have put it in print!
Yes, I kid you not. Square World, an awesome blog has the details:
From Square World:
It's been a few days since the U.S. Masters Swimming homophobia scandal broke, after members of the organization learned about a homophobic letter published in the January/February issue of SWIMMER Magazine. U.S. Masters Swimming issued an apology for the letter, but it still hasn't offered an explanation for editor Laura Hamel's serious error in judgement.So, I have to ask: "Why, Laura?"[Link]
Follow Square World for USMS "poolitics."
Thank you for including Square World in your blog. This story is sadly just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to questionable conduct among the leaders of USMS. The organization's laundry is every bit as dirty as that of USA Swimming, but up to this point, it has been a fairly well-kept secret to those outside the inner circle. Oh, the stories I could (and will) tell. Ultimately, the truth will prevail.
Bill Volckening
Portland, Oregon
I believe in sunshine! The whole LMSC thing that went down with a friend of mine really put a bad taste in my mouth and it's time bloggers kept non-profits straight.
Thank you.
Humorous side-note: I posted a link to my "Back to Oblivion" blog entry on Jim Thornton's Facebook page, and he deleted it. Guess he didn't like being called a forum troll. But his deleting my message was no better than USMS deleting his messages and banning him for a week. Jim is a good writer, but his decision was a little hypocritical. Now that he's had dental implants, maybe he can grow some balls, too.
I mean that in the nicest possible way...
Bill Volckening
Portland, Oregon
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