This article has been updated at the bottom! Thank you, Caren, for the update!
Chris D. sent me this and I had to jump on it! The American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) features banned coach, Mitch Ivey, in its photo album of ASCA Coaches. It's the one just below a young Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman!
WOW! Obviously an oversight but what a scary one at that. If they can't effectively ban a coach from their very own website how can one trust that they can responsibly maintain a banned list of coaches in a database?
UPDATE: Caren mentioned that Ivey may have been removed from the banned list and Mike suggests he was never on it; here is what I know about the guy:
"... Mitch Ivey, the former University of Florida women’s coach who was fired in 1993 on the heels of an investigation into sexual harassment allegations and his relationships with his swimmers, one of whom, then 18, he married as a 30-year-old in 1979. ..." [Link] - The Gazette in Colorado Springs
"... The University of Florida fired its women's coach, MITCH IVEY, after a university investigation of his relationships with his swimmers. The investigation began after ESPN reporters showed up on campus three weeks ago to work on a story about Ivey's interaction with athletes..." [Link] -The New York Times'... A recent ESPN report painted an unflattering portrait of Ivey as a world-class swim coach who got sexually involved with his athletes, some under the legal age for consent, and verbally abused others to the point of constituting sexual harassment.ESPN's investigation prompted an internal review of Ivey's job performance by the school's legal counsel that was limited to Ivey's behavior at Florida. That investigation led to Ivey's dismissal. ..." [Link] - The Chicago Tribune"Noel Moran Quilici, who, at 18, married Ivey, then 30, in 1979. Quilici told ESPN that she "rebuffed his sexual advances" when she was 15 but began a sexual relationship with him at age 17. At the time, she was swimming for Ivey at the Santa Clara Swim Club. Six months after their marriage she discovered his involvement with a 17-year-old swimmer and filed for divorce" [Link] - Sports Illustrated Vault
[ My apologies to Tony Young who appeared on a banned list that was featured above. He was never on a banned list and it is obvious now that the 'Swimmer's Circle," the site I reprinted the list from was in error. My apologies for blindly reprinting the list. Please see the USA Swimming banned list instead.
Here is a list on the USA Swimming site naming 46-coaches who are banned. Ivey's name is not on it: [Link]
What's even more interesting is that Ivey's name is no longer on the current banned list....
The list now has over 50 names.
Wait! - WHAT?
Oh, people can quietly get on and off the list! This is summarily outrageous. If someone gets removed it is US Swimming's ultimate responsibility to explain why both for the reputation of the coach and so the victims if any can responds!
Tonight, an open letter t USA Swimming!
BTW, 50 names is a lot of pools!
Tony, I couldn't agree more. I'd love to know how one gets removed from the list. (insert sarcasm here!). Also I've noticed that my ex swim coach, Andy King, has updated his LinkedIn profile and is now a "Consultant". Really?????
Thank you Caren, I updated the article with links regarding his history.
The freak is still in jail isn't he?
Yes he is... would love to know how he's been able to update his LinkedIn profile... lol.
Glad that someone is holding firm ground with a pervert like this.
Let's confirm it first utterly and completely.
Let's confirm it first utterly and completely.
From the Sports Illustrated Vault on Mitch Ivey:
"Noel Moran Quilici, who, at 18, married Ivey, then 30, in 1979. Quilici told ESPN that she "rebuffed his sexual advances" when she was 15 but began a sexual relationship with him at age 17. At the time, she was swimming for Ivey at the Santa Clara Swim Club. Six months after their marriage she discovered his involvement with a 17-year-old swimmer and filed for divorce"
Ivey was never on the list but if all is true then yes he should be.
I confirmed the SI Vault accusation - it's time a "formal complaint" be made. I am going to go make one and I am going to include all the reader comments!
To augment Chris' comment below is the link
Others would find his past behavior singularly inappropriate. Consider his involvement with one of his athletes, Noel Moran Quilici, who, at 18, married Ivey, then 30, in 1979. Quilici told ESPN that she "rebuffed his sexual advances" when she was 15 but began a sexual relationship with him at age 17. At the time, she was swimming for Ivey at the Santa Clara Swim Club. Six months after their marriage she discovered his involvement with a 17-year-old swimmer and filed for divorce. As of Monday, Ivey had not responded to the ESPN report beyond criticizing Florida for not standing behind him.
Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1137864/index.htm#ixzz1IgT2rZOn
why so many from Indiana? They have more problems then California and Texas combined. Perhaps they need to make a specific effort to investigate and educate there. Why are there so few in Texas, maybe we ought to study what they are doing, or put them in charge.
I have no clue why Indiana? - in fact I just look up the age of consent in Indiana and it is a pathetic 16-years old. The age of consent should be 18-years-old nationally.
Not sure why ASCA has "Coach" Mitch Ivey on their website, I questioned this over 15 years ago. He certainly has earned his place on the "banned" list.
May I ask why Tony Young continues to appear in your blog as a "banned" coach when nothing could be further from the truth. I pointed this out to you last fall when his name first appeared. He was never accused of any inappropriate activity with any athletes and is not on the USA Swimming banned list. He is listed on the swim scandal site becausethe "banned" Coach Ken Stopkotte (talk about the pot calling the kettle black) has a personal vendetta against him. Mr Young is simply a victim of those trying to advance their own personal causes and pocketbooks through the promotion the "swim scandal."
In his role with Indiana Swimming Mr. Young has done everything in his power to assist clubs, athletes and families affected by rogue coaches and has brought comprehensive child protection education to Indiana club officials, coaches and athlete representatives.
Please do not re-publish blindly here, the trash you find elsewhere on the internet.
i will delete the name... I got the list from the Swimmer's Circle but I will presume what you are saying is 100% correct since the USA Swimming site does not have his name on the list. My apologies to Mr. Young.
I have deleted the Swimmer's circle list and issued an apology to Tony Young. I replace the link with link to the banned list at USA Swimming.
Thanks Tony for the quick response and for trying to make sense and right of this issue
I actually feel terrible; still feel terrible, and I went in this morning and did more edits.
I am totally rethinking how I post. It is starting to hit me that what i write is taken very seriously and I must be 100% accurate.
You know who else isn't on this list? Norm Havercroft. There is a lawsuit pending against him for the same issue....Filed back in 2001. That's a long time for him to not be banned.
I would like to clear up an issue that a reader has taken with the list that I published on The Swimmers Circle. I assume that the anonymous poster is the same one who has contacted me previously. After much discussion with said commentator, I went to some lengths to ensure that it was clear that this was only a list of coaches named in the lawsuit, and not necessarily a list of coaches who had done anything wrong.
The article is not inaccurate. The attorney's accusation regarding Mr. Young may well be wildly inaccurate, however the original link posted only a list of coaches who were named in the trial. I even specifically referenced the fact that Tony Young was acquitted on all counts, but that doesn't change the fact that the attorney included his name on the list.
I apologize that this list was misinterpreted by Mr. Austin, but that's not the fault of me or my site. I later posted (see link further in the article) the list of banned coaches.
Thank you for removing Tony Young off the Band list. I first met was recruited by Tony back in 1981. I have swam for him all through College, worked for him as assistant coach and a recruiter. I have never met anybody who can close to Tony caliber, integrity, and respect for his athletes. Again thank you.
David A. DeMarais
I an still quite embarrassed that I had him on it in the first place.
It is true Noel Moran is my sister
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