Monday, November 19, 2007

"White men can't jump" and British kids can't swim!

Hey Great Britain, here is a clue. Fill up your empty pools with water instead of graffiti.

Here is an article by the BBC which states that most British kids can't swim one length of a short course meters pool and that kids spend more time driving to the pool than actually swimming in it.

From the article: "...An Ofsted report said most 11-year-olds did not reach the national curriculum target of being able to swim 25 metres.

But some groups of pupils were missing out, including ethnic minorities with little experience of swimming.

Even among schools which had received extra money to boost swimming, [a] one in six attainment was "inadequate".

In these schools, the key factor was lack of time devoted to the subject.

In a quarter of the 12 local authorities visited, the way that swimming facilities had been centralised meant pupils spent more than twice as long traveling to the pool as they spent in the water. ..." [Fill your empty pools] [Link]

GB wants to fix that though and this article addresses their concerns and programs:

Here link to several empty pools in and around London. Warning, it's very depressing. [Link]

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