Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"USA!-USA!-USA!" - American swim fans defined by an Australian jornalnist!

Jason sent me this satire piece from the Australian paper, The Age. Journalist Jim Schembri says American swim fans have the following traits:

"... Being loud is not just an intrinsic part of being American, it is a legal requirement. Here are three others:

(1) Every American must have on their person at all times at least one flag. The flag does not have to be the size of a picnic blanket, though it usually is anyway;

(2) Every American must be able to instantly recite their favourite episode from either Seinfeld, The Simpsons or that one with Charlie Sheen that keeps getting renewed;

(3) Every American must know the words to their national anthem, which goes something like this: "USA! USA! USA!" ..." [Link]

Here is a Wiki link to where the "USA Chant" originated: [Link]

1 comment:

Scott said...

Sometimes an isolated quote doesn't really convey a true sense of an article's subject. I'd encourage readers to use the link to the Australian paper The Age and actually read Jim Schembri's "To Swim, Perchance to Dream", which is a humorous ode to swimming - shots to American patriotism notwithstanding.