Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Jessica Hardy cleared of intentional doping and will sue her former supplement sponsor, "Advocare"

Jessica Hardy was quoted as saying this in the L.A. Times:

"..."I am extremely happy that the arbitration panel was persuaded by my scientific proof of supplement contamination, and that they believed me when I told them that I never have and never would use performance enhancing drugs..."


I really should have slept on this before posting but what keeps running through my head is what was Jessica Hardy thinking when she signed on the dotted line with a company whose slogan is: "We build Champions", and according to the OC Register, has several product liability lawsuits filed against them.

1 comment:

danthefiddleman said...

There's a lengthy analysis of the ruling at the LA Times blog Ticket to Vancouver. The post appears to say that the finding isn't as black & white as it seems.

You can read the full text of Advocare's press release, as well as that of Hardy's lawyer, at Lane 9 News. I just love how Advocare can't forego the opportunity to hawk their wares (see final paragraph of their release).