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Memo to Katie Hoff:
- Takes two weeks off and rest!
- Go to the doctor and get a blood panel and get any necessary tests done on any specific painful areas!
- If you morale is abnormally low or you feel a bit of irrational angst or upset - go see someone!
- Evaluate your coaching by the way of the pace clock. Are you getting better, worse, or staying the same? All those intervals and set times are logged. go look at them.
- If any of the above reads, "FAIL", consider Australia since they have a track record when it comes to coaching women.
- Finally, send an anonymous note to the SCAQ Blog informing us of your plans
she trains the same practice intervals as an elite male athlete (no names mentioned) so a lot less rest at the walls compared to the males. Little recovery time means no opportunity to succeed in the pool during practices and less rest over the week overall. plus heavy weights, same stuff as the guys. Doesn't make sense. Overtrained, exhausted, sick a lot and discouraged. What is bob bowman thinking? she isn't a guy so why a guy's practice just because she's the only girl still left on the squad? Looking at bowman's track record with females, katie's kaitlin sandeno was sick frequently in the months leading up to trials and it may have cost her a spot. kalyn keller finally had to pull out the year before trials cuz of an auto immune disorder (crohn's). Hayley peirsol didn't last long in 2007. Allison Schmitt survived her 6 months with him but was new at the swimming game with lots of room for improvement. Is bob looking to break the backs and the spirits of his female swimmers when they sign up? looks that way. Something wrong with this picture. Pity his next female victim if one ever joins after katie. Who knows if the overtraining will push her out of contention for a spot on the team this summer. we'll soon find out. hopefully she can find a good fit somewhere else next year and up to 2012. someone who cares and wants her to succeed cuz it doesn't seem like bowman does.
I wish I would have gotten this comment before I did the original post an I would have posted this comment as the original post instead.
I swear to God, my readers are so much smarter than I am.
I am very angry with what has happened to one of our finest swimmers.
Don't be angry Tony.
This is America.
Katie Hoff has more coaching choices here than anywhere in the world.
I just listened to Kristy Coventry tell the world in a Santa Clara interview:
No where else could she have received the education;
Trained in the facilities;
found the coaching;
Raced the level of competition in meets - or day in & day out in training that she has here in America.
Katie is a smart young woman with choices - if she wants to make them.
She is young enough to play the field and still find the coach of her dreams and life.
(look at Dara Torres who swam under several coaches over many years)
Who is to say that Bob Bowman isn't her best coach?
She hasn't even been swimming under him a year.
I would love to hear an interview with Bowman about the coaching of Katie Hoff.
Or another coach come forward with an offer to coach her "better" under a different presented philosophy.
Even anonomously presented.
Give Katie some things to think about...
All the best to Katie. I'm a fan of her swimming. I hope she swims faster.
The Navy will accept a Marine recruit at 17-years-old! They love that age.
This recruit has been told what to do for the past 17-years and now they will continue on with a new set of "parents" who will teach them how to protect the Constitution of the United States.
For instance, if suddenly you and were were drafted and we both were told to go hit the beach at Normandy circa 1944 You and I would say, "I don't think so, sweetie." And we would jump out of the boat and we swim down the coast a mile or two where it was a little less grumpy.
We are finished individuals; Hoff isn't.
Hoff is only 20-years-old. She can't even drink yet so coaches and parents still may exert influence over her. I think she should step back and evaluate but apparently she doe snot have the maturity yet.
I think the results speak for themselves and she needs helps and it makes me angry that she is not getting any from her advisers or perhaps even those closer to her.
The Navy will accept a Marine recruit at 17-years-old! They love that age.
This recruit has been told what to do for the past 17-years and now they will continue on with a new set of "parents" who will teach them how to protect the Constitution of the United States.
For instance, if suddenly you and were were drafted and we both were told to go hit the beach at Normandy circa 1944 You and I would say, "I don't think so, sweetie." And we would jump out of the boat and we swim down the coast a mile or two where it was a little less grumpy.
We are finished individuals; Hoff isn't.
Hoff is only 20-years-old. She can't even drink yet so coaches and parents still may exert influence over her. I think she should step back and evaluate but apparently she doe snot have the maturity yet.
I think the results speak for themselves and she needs helps and it makes me angry that she is not getting any from her advisers or perhaps even those closer to her.
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