Mark throws down with the anti-suit crowd and go as far as saying that Michael Phelps will be beat if he doesn't wear a Jaked or a 'Jaked analog.' (How is that for a suit endorsement? I bet the boys at the Jaked factory are loving it since they have now been crown the best suit available.)
Here is what Mark had to say:
"..."Michael Phelps is the best swimmer in the world but someone wearing a Jaked suit will beat him if he's using a Speedo suit - they are that effective." [...]"Phelps is sponsored by Speedo and won't be able to wear this Jaked suit. Speedo will have to make a new suit for him."..."
Other predictions about a FINA backlash are made by Australian, Performance Director, Michael Scott as well but quite frankly and quite honestly: the Australians were so very pro-Speedo LZR before they started getting their asses handed to them by swimmers wearing better suits.
Names like Anuary Leveaux, Alain Bernard, Frederick Bousquet, Cesar Cielo...
So, now that the advantage is not in Speedo's favor; and you know Australian Swimming is "owned" by Speedo, these athletes and coaches become "purists" or whatever adjective they shoose that makes them sound with rhetorical embellishment as the good guys.
So, here is my prediction: If we go back to briefs, jammers and one-piece suits, swimming will shrink due to boredom, lack of meet sponsorship capital, and lower payouts to athletes.
It would be interesting to see what Speedo could pull out of it's ass on such short notice, but I'm pretty sure that they can't under the current rules. Even if they developed a suit they'd have to have enough for everyone on hand in Rome.
I think you're more likely to see Phelps drop out of the sprint events instead of risk losing in a major competition while clad in a LZR.
I'm sure he is scared to death to race the 100 fly, 200 free and 200 IM.
Lovin' the sarcasm. ;-)
I don't think he is scared but I bet his accountant, coach and management are.
Like Rob, I bet he drops the sprints and/or realizes he should stick with the Beijing events
i think it is rich for the australian to complain about the suits because did they show any support to the other swimming federations last year when they ware trying their best to get their swimmers LZR to compete fairy in beijing , i don't think so .
What do you define as a sprint? He almost broke the 100 fly record a couple of weeks ago. He's not going to swim the 50 free. If you think he's going to drop the 100 free that is the only event I think he's vulnerable in and he wouldn't have been the favorite even if it were August 2008. As it pertains to his accountant, I have a feeling that swimming and swimming well is higher on the priority list than the dough.
Yeah, me too! OR how about Mark Schubert saying if you don't wear a LZR, you will be watching the Olympics on TV.
The most Ironic thing about this suit mess is that everyone knows Speedo is the sore loser.
I define it as the 100 free and the 50 free.
The 100 fly hurts like hell and since time dilates when swimming the 100-fly; It's not a sprint anymore! ;-)
That's one of the silliest thing's I have ever heard. So, let me make sure I have this correct. You believe that the 100 meter free is a sprint, but the 100 fly is not, as the time is dilated and it hurts like hell. So, since Mr. Phelps does a 50.5 in the 100 meter fly, you must swim a 49+ in the 100 free. Right?
It was meant to be silly. Time only "dilates" when you travel near the speed the light.
The rhetorical device of the joke was the hyperbole and I subsequently "salted" the line with a wink-emoticon at the end for punctuation.
And, yes, I stand my feelings that his coach, management and accountant are worried for him.
Far more boring to see a row of anonymous black condoms firing up the lane. Really boring. I predict that if suit makers have to make briefs etc the same amount of money from them and broadcasters will come into FINA's swollen bank account
Michael Scott, although Australian, is no longer associated with Swimming Australia. He's been working for British Swimming since 2007.
Some people have no sense of humor Tony!
I don't think anyone can touch Phelps in the 200 Free or 200 Fly, whatever suit they are wearing. Anything below 200 in distance the suit can make a difference against Phelps.
Thanks for the correction, the article was in error.
Smartest thing FINA can do (Which probably means they won't.) is go back to knee-to-navel for the men and knee-to-shoulder for women, 100% permiable suits.
To the average spectator, with no knowledge of the sport, the speedsuit era:
- Makes the swimmers anonomous (I'm a horrible speller, apologies.); everyone looks the same. They can't identify with any particular athlete.
- Diminishes the athletes ability. "I could swim that fast if I had those funny suits!"
i just posted the video of the eurosport world championship promotion video , check it out !
I have to disagree with Ted and Anonymous. The introduction of Speedsuits have brought a significant aspect of "cool" to a sport that, in comparison to most mainstream sports in the public eye, seemed stuck in an era of non-evolution. Technology sells. The sport would lose the fans it gained in Beijing with a return to knee-highs and briefs.
Secondly, I don't think Speedsuits anonymize the athlete anymore than cap or skin color does. Even in a "row of anonymous black condoms", plenty remains to differentiate who's who behind the blocks, in the water, and finishing at the wall, even to those not familiar with swimming. Never underestimate an audience's intelligence.
And as far as the speedsuits diminishing the athletes' perceived ability... I honestly don't see if that really matters. People who think that way probably aren't much for sports in the first place.
With respect to Trev, swimming popularity has - in my opinion - nothing to do with the suits and everything to do with Michael Phelps.
Phelps' 8 Gold Medals, in a speedsuit, jammers or briefs, make swimming a compelling story right now.
I agree Michael Phelps lit the fire, but I'm not sure he would have been as big a hit with the American public in a brief. For a lot of people a dude in a speedo is an awkward thing to deal with. Not for people familiar with swimming, but for the uninitiated it's not necessarily a plus. The body suits look a lot cooler and I think as a country we're more comfortable with our sports heroes wearing pants. That's what I think anyways.
Charlie, that assumes that what was said was humorous.
Anyway, nobody will touch Phelps in the 100 fly either. It's only his 3rd event after the 200 free and 200 fly and i predict you will see a sub 50 in the 100 fly next week. Mark it today as it will happen.
Now I am rooting against Phelps.
i also agree with TedBaker. i think Michael Phelps and his 8 gold medals is what is bringing attention to swimming, but the suits are confussing the general population (which doesnt know anything about swimming!) When you talk about competitive swimming to people outside of the know, they automatically think of Mark Spitz, mustaches, goggles, and bikini style speedos... but when they watch TV and see these futuristic body suits, they automatically think of these suits as magic, or the athletes are cheating. and THEN we have people inside of the swimming community (who know just as much about these suits as the general public) telling these people that what the Olympians are doing is wrong, and they should only be wearing "knee to navel" suits, etc. WE ARE ADDING TO THEIR CONFUSSION! I just watched the Men's Big 10 meet on TV the other day, and in the middle of the telecast, Rowdy Gaines gives a little "speech" about the Speedo LZR (and other tech suits) and how it is WRONG! and nobody would have won any medals without the suits.
I just get so annoyed by people inside of our community who are spewing cr@p out of their mouths, downgrading all these athletes that have worked SO hard. I would say most everyone has worn some type of "tech" suit atleast once in their life. HELL! even lycra could be considered a "tech" suit when compared to the old wool suits of the 20s! I have never worn a paper suit, but are they "100% permiable?" I highly doubt it. I do understand that there should be something done about the possibility of these suits adding "buoyancy," but most of the people who talk about "buoyancy" don't even know what it really is! Stop listening to word of mouth, and start doing your research! Blog or Magazine = NOT a reputable source of info. Journal, Periodical, or Study = GOOD INFO!
The point is "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."
I actually think Dara Torres was even better than Michael Phelps at bringing people back to swimming.
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