Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Satire image of the 'Swim News' site

I know this smells like me and I wish it was for it is amazingly creative and it is filled with "awesomeness and truth" but it is not me for I am not that brilliant - click on the image to see the enlarged size.

This was sent to me, I swear it was, and it is great Satire


maly said...

this is hilarious !!!!!

Tony Austin said...

la SCAQ peut gagner le Voldemort

Glenn said...

Finally... some accurate reporting from there.

For some reason, I feel the nerve ending on my fingers working better after taking off my gloves. I should post that as a scientific study.

I actually went to that thing the other day, and I have to say, I have a hard time figuring out which is the satire site, and which is the real site. The claims of nerve endings are purely hypothetical ramblings. Unless someone can show how they came to the conclusions, then they should be thrown into the "false claims" lawsuit along with Schubert. Cause they're all just making stuff up to sound important.

Anonymous said...

We need more of this :-)

Josh said...


phoolbu said...

Swim fins is a great way to use for kids and athletes in swim clubs such as this.

phoolbu said...

Swim fins are essential items for great swimmers to use for training.