Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Woman can't wear pants in Paris, France! - I kid you not!

Maly, I guess I can't get you that pair of Black Orchid jeans for Christmas!

Same old school mentality that outlawed tech suits is keeping women on a potential leash to be either arrested or fined when or if a technicality is needed.

From the Telegraph:

The rule banning women from dressing like men – namely by wearing trousers - was first introduced in 1800 by Paris' police chief and has survived repeated attempts to repeal it. [...]

The latest attempt to remove the outmoded rule was in 2003, when a Right-wing MP from President Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party wrote to the minister in charge of gender equality. The minister's response was: "Disuse is sometimes more efficient than (state) intervention in adapting the law to changing mores."


In other words, the French police chief has FINAutocracy powers! (Fina-autocracy) He can grant or choose to enforce what a person can or should wear.

There, I have coined a new word: FINAutocracy!

Well, if I was the French police chief, I would allow woman the right to wear whatever they wanted: fabric or neoprene.

1 comment:

maly said...

lol it is tipical of the french administration : we pile law without undoing older one .