SCAQ tried to organize a trip and swim meet at the water cube but was denied since nobody was allowed to swim it. (And China will be the new number one this century?)
Designer: Edward Shelton
From the USA Swimming website:
"... As Memorial Day Weekend approaches marking the traditional opening of the summer pool season across the country, a recent study commissioned by USA Swimming and conducted by the University of Memphis exposes some alarming statistics for many of our nation’s children. The Constraints Impacting Minority Swimming Participation, Phase II study found that nearly 70% of African American children and 58% of Hispanic children have low or no swim ability, compared to 40% of Caucasians, putting them at risk for drowning. According to the study, parental fear is a major contributor to a child’s swimming ability.[Link]
Can Swim at the beginning level: The beginner swimmer can swim 25 feet, stop, return to starting position. That is defined as a beginning swimmer in the Boy Scouts Manual: [Link]Knows how to swim: If you fall off a boat or go to the beach you can swim unassisted for 75 yards. That is the test you have to do if you want to graduate at Cornell University. If you can't swim, you can't graduate. [Link]A competent swimmer: Can do all of the above four or five times with some rest.An good swimmer: Can swim a 1,000 yards in a pool and in an open water setting without stopping.An excellent swimmer: Knows all four strokes, can enjoy a swim workout almost every day. Probably competes but does not have to compete to be an excellent swimmer.An outstanding swimmer: College team or university swimmer. Places above the 51-percentile in their age-group. If they don't compete, they are swimming in the fastest lanes.A [elite]great swimmer: Top 10-percentile of those they swim with or against. This includes Masters, NCAA, age-group swimming etc. etc.An [great]elite Swimmer: NCAA champion, or the moral equivalent. Great is an overused adjective but if you made it to an NCAA final or qualified for an A-0r-B final at Nationals. You are now officially a great swimmer. You have won many races to get there. This applies to Masters as well who medaled on the world stage.A sublime swimmer: You have made an Olympic team or a FINA world championship team or have set an international record.An Olympic or FINA World Championship medalist: You could not be any better. You are the best in the solar system.
From Swimming World:
One year ago, the Pro Swimming Task Force was formed. Its main objective: financial support for the professional swimmer through the Athlete Partnership Plan. Had it passed, the original plan would have increased the annual $21,000 stipend and extended the reach of financial support from 42 members to 55 members of the national team. All athletes who placed in the top six in any Olympic event at U.S. National Team Trials, who also are top 16 in the world, would have made $50,000 this year from USA Swimming and the United States Olympic Committee. The proposal would have accomplished the goal of financial support for professional swimmers, but yesterday it fizzled out at the United States Aquatic Sports Convention.
[...] "What went wrong with the Athlete Partnership Plan?"
In the end it appears that the deal breaker came down to name and image rights. The athletes' agents argued that the athletes already do enough for the governing bodies with their name and image rights, and the 2008 profits for USA Swimming and the USOC would back the agents' argument. [..]
We've spent some time restructuring our app with swimmers and coaches in mind, and we'll be continuing to put new materials within the app. The big news of this latest update (which isn't really an update in the sense that you have to go to the iTunes store and redownload... it'll just happen), is that we've added categories.
Categories, as simple as it sounds, will make it so much easier for you to get to videos, pictures, and news stories much quicker. For swimmers this means a couple quick clicks and you'll be watching a video on the freestyle catch, or an image of Brendan Hansen's head position as he starts his pull. It's all in there already, we've just make it much easier for you to get to.
In addition, the news section is also revamped. With quick access to your favorite swimming news sites like Swimming World, Swimnetwork, and USA Swimming, as well as our favorite swimming blogs, and of course, quick access to ongoing discussions here on goswim.tv, as well as all our regular posts.
We've also submitted this same app to the Android marketplace and will hopefully be hearing good news in the next few days.
What do you have to do to get this update? If it doesn't show up automatically, make sure the app is shut down (if you're running software that allows for multitasking), then restart your device. The next time you start up the app, the new features should show up.
For a direct link to the iTunes app store for details:
[Link]For Android Store info:
Statement from Mike Saltzstein:Mike Saltzstein has been slandered before. Only recently has he fought back; even ESPN even covered the event:
I have volunteered more than 30 years within this sport, and always want it to improve. Many people have come forward to provide information on the abuse issue and done "what is right". Sport teaches us to learn from our mistakes, and grow from them.
As I have done for those 30 years, when asked a question, I respond - a standard of which I made Swimming aware, in writing, immediately after the 20/20 initial story. Mr Allard's team had no contact with me until after the "White Paper" was written, same with my original OpEd.
When an athlete asks, I listen and do my level best to help them to succeed.
When Swimming took actions against me that violated federal law and acted arbitrary and capriciously, the Arbitration Case against Swimming was filed with the USOC. Attorney's did represent me. You will recall I won the case before the AAA, and the arbitrator found against Swimming and in my favor. Ed Williams, counsel in New York, and a member of Mr Allard's team was lead counsel. I am personally paying those bills from personal funds.
I fully expect to be called as a fact witness for both the plaintiff and defense cases. And if Swimming asked, I would certainly take their calls, and answer what I can - still absent any financial compensation.
From ESPN:
A former USA Swimming vice president who complained about the organization's handling of sexual abuse cases is back on the list of potential judges at major international events after winning his arbitration case.
1. The Parties submitted post-hearing closing briefs on July 17 and post-hearing reply briefs on July 20, 2010.
2. The Arbitrator closed the hearing on July 21, 2010.
3. The Parties agreed that the Arbitrator could announce his decision by July 22, 2010, and thereafter issue a reasoned award.
4. On July 21, 2010, the Arbitrator announced his decision that:
a. The Arbitrator has concluded that the Respondent’s decision—to nominate Mr.Broyles as a FINA Referee rather than re-nominate the Claimant—was arbitrary, capricious, and in violation of the Claimant’s legally protected opportunity to participate as an international referee under the Sports Act, which affords him due process rights in being fairly considered as a nominee for FINA List 16.
b. The Arbitrator therefore orders the Respondent to immediately replace Mr. Broyles with the Claimant as a Referee nominee for FINA List 16 and so inform FINA immediately.
July 21, 2010
James R. Holbrook
Australian competitive swimmer Stephanie Rice has been dumped as the face of luxury car brand Jaguar after she called the South African rugby team “f*ggots” on her Twitter account, Australia’s Herald Sun reports.
That apology is so weak, that she might of well have said "she didn't know her mouth was loaded."Ian Roberts, who is a former rugby player who is gay, told the Herald Sun: “She is an idiot and anyone who continues to endorse her as an athlete is an idiot as well. … And I say that with a very sad tone in my voice. What a fool. And if her sponsors don’t do something about it, they’re fools as well.”
As soon as she figured out there was an outcry about her Twitter message, Rice quickly deleted the tweet and issued a statement of regret: “I did not mean to cause offense and I apologize. I have deleted it from the site.”
THE appetite for ''outing'' gay AFL players is putting lives of young Australians wrestling with their sexuality at risk, says an expert in the field who has advised the AFL Players' Association on the topic. [...]