Friday, September 28, 2012

Congressman Honda of San Jose Suggests Possible Hearings into USA Swimming Sex Abuse Cases!

San Jose was the launching point for me. That's when I figured out that USA Swimming was just collecting checks and using them to field an Olympic Team as their number one priority. They had little to no concern for the swimmers that send in those yearly dues other than to collect times and "winnow the wheat" so as to select the best and reject the worst.

Then ABC 20/20 and ESPN spanked them for those very reasons and suddenly they talked up a protection program but moved as fast as a "snail on ice" putting it all together.

Truthfully and factually it wasn't till their very paychecks were threaten by a lawyer by the name of Robert Allard that they actually started to produce a plan and put it into place.

However, this program, like the "Communist Manifesto" looked great on paper, but not very inspiring when put into practice. Investigations are moving too slowly and the focal point is more about protecting USA Swimming from lawsuits rather than ensuring a "gold standard" of protection that "really nice guys" like David Berkoff and others do their best to hard sell.

Now this from Concussion Inc. by Irv Muchnick: 
"... Today Honda’s senior aide, Ashley Roybal-Reid, told me, "Congressman Honda has begun looking into what formal action our office can take to address this problem, including, but not limited to, Congressional hearings. At this point, Congressman Honda is very concerned about the issue, but our specific course of action is still being determined. ..."


If it took a Lawyer calling out USA Swimming to get something going then a congressman, if he follows through, would be the catalyst to get the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) involved as well. It will only be then that we begin to see common sense reforms.

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