Monday, October 27, 2014

In Seattle open water swimmers go on expeditions and they call these athletes "wild swimmers"

Led by a paddle boarder, a pod of swimmers parade through the veins and outlets of Puget Sound all the while taking in the majesty of Washington coastline.

The swims are 1500-meters long (a metric mile) and nobody is racing they're just enjoying the adventure and the term adventure is what is is delivered.

Summer water temps only get as high 55-degrees but the "wild swimmers" as they call them are multiplying and the sport is growing.

Voice of America has a glorious piece on these "wild swimmers" that is worth a read. Also mentioned are several notable open water swims throughout America:
From Voice of America
"...In late October, the salt water of the Puget Sound off America's northwest coast is 13 degrees Celsius and the air isn’t much warmer, but that does not deter a group of swimmers gathered on Seattle, Washington's Alki Beach for a group swim. 
The first one to dive into the waves is 43-year-old tech worker Mike Tanner, who said he swims in open water from May until the end of November.

"Then I go back to the pool and wait for May again," he said...."


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