Monday, November 12, 2007

Hajin - The same freighter company that nearly ran over the kyak support staff at the 'Alcatraz Sharfest' recently caused the SF Bay oil slick

In the picture above the sheriff literally had a Jetski in the water wrangling the kayak support staff away from the Hanjin freighter as it barreled into the bay at roughly 30 knots. I wrote about it here last summer. [Link]

Hanjin is the South Korean freighter company involved in both the near miss at the Alcatraz Sharkfest on June 10th of this year and the newest oil spill within the San Francisco Bay just last week. Though Hanjin boats were/are involved in these mishaps, it is the responsibility of the American pilot to steer the ship into port.

I am told that when a freighter enters the San Francisco or any American port, a new pilot takes control and guides the ship into Oakland. I wouldn't be surprised if the pilot involved in the above near miss was also the pilot involved in the most recent oil slick.

Now, to be fair to the pilot, John J. Cota, 59, of Petaluma, was tested within an hour of the impact with a bridge abutment on the Bay Bridge west of Yerba Buena Island, for alcohol and most likely drugs as well. He was clean. Also the accident took place in heavy fog but you think there would be a process to avoid catasrophies such as this. [Link]

So who is responsible? Hanjin or the American pilot paid to steer the ship to shore?

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