Monday, June 15, 2009

'USA Swimming' to check swimsuits in the ready room at Nationals to make sure they are Speedo FINA approved!

It's my belief that USA Swimming is nothing short of a marketing arm for Speedo. Look at how they do business: No other suit company can advertise in USA Swimming's Splash Magazine nor can they advertise on the USA Swimming website unless their name is Speedo. They have even airbrushed logo of competing brands and were forced to abolish the practice when caught.

Then there is Mark Schubert, but enough about that nonsense. I can wait to post his deposition on the blog. I am working on getting Peter Marshall's.

As a result both companies are being so sued and I hear even more collaborating evidence is pouring in to support TYR's lawsuit claims against them.

So now we have this from AP news. USA Swimming will be checking the athletes swimsuits at Nationals.

"... Inspectors will check athletes of their same gender. Three people will be in charge of the ready room — a member of FINA's technical committee, a high-ranking USA Swimming meet official, and Jan-Anders Manson of Switzerland, who led the testing on suits for FINA.

Phelps' coach, Bob Bowman, doesn't anticipate the inspections being a problem.

"They're not going to have to examine them that closely," he said during last weekend's Santa Clara International Grand Prix meet. ..."


[paragraph deleted]

USA Swimming and FINA are hurting the sport of swimming! They should go look at how golf is played as an example regarding how to do business with the athletes.


Steve said...

I read an article about this issue at the Australian trials (just the last couple of sentences):

I don't think it's too big a deal. I think the officials will just need to see a bare upper and lower back to be satisfied that female swimmers aren't wearing a second suit.

Anonymous said...


We have just added your latest post "'USA Swimming' to check swimsuits in the ready room at Nationals to make sure they are Speedo FINA approved!" to our Directory of Sports. You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a huge base of visitors to your website.

Warm Regards Team

Tony Austin said...

I took the paragraph out about Dagny Knutson - though I am unimpressed b this measure.

Anonymous said...

This is not really news. The letter from USA-S came out more than a week ago. I am amazed that the suit Nazi is comprised of a FINA representative and the ominous Professor. It just sounds so comical.
On a serious note, I am predicting that there will be massive confusions on the first day and many swimmings will find out the suits they think is legal is rejected by the suit Nazi.

Anonymous said...

This is not really news. The letter from USA-S came out more than a week ago. I am amazed that the suit Nazi is comprised of a FINA representative and the ominous Professor. It just sounds so comical.
On a serious note, I am predicting that there will be massive confusions on the first day and many swimmers will find out the suit they think is legal is rejected by the suit Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Peter Marshall got DQ'd last meet for wearing a brief under his TYR leggings. How stupid is that?

Tony Austin said...

That is beyond stupid. It's immoral since a brief would provide no advantage at all. If anything it would provide a disadvantage.

Swimming is being more damaged by the NGBs of all people, then swimmer doping cases.

Steve said...

A modesty suit would provide no advantage at all if you were to wear a training suit. But what if you were to wear a modesty suit made out of the same material as a Jaked or a B70?

Anonymous said...

i understand this is a [personal] blog, but i would really appreciate if you would stop h8ing on speedo. wouldnt you feel like a jerk if it was actually TYR that pressured USA Swimming to have a suit inspection?

i fell like you suffer from what some may call "iJerk." i once was an article about a study performed on people who use Apple products. according to the study, 75% of people who use Apple feel they are superior to people who don't. basically, you think you're a better person for supporting TYR, and hate on anyone who uses Speedo.

its just annoying to your visitors of your site who visit [semi] regularly and wants to read an interesting article/blog about whats going on in swimming today.

whatever happened to "just the facts, mame."

Tony Austin said...

Speedo makes fine products save for the LZR. I actually wear one of their goggle products too but the LZR is not so good:

My problem with Speedo is not their products but rather how they do business. I think they are sleazy and so will the court next Spring.

Note, this is a personal blog and I do it out of love for swimming.

I accept no gifts, paid advertising, fees, favors, food, drink, anything and I am offered products every month to keep or try out. The last product was a $500 wetsuit for keeps. I refuse all of the above so as to remain credible.

Everything I write I truly believe.

I try not to offend but obviously your patience has worn thin with me. I wish you good luck with your swimming and I will try to make the blog better and better.