UPDATE: The top photo is a gallery shot of the Michael Phelps collection at the Omega site. Below that is an enlargement of the watch worn in the infamous "bong shot" that News of the World claims belongs to Michael Phelps. The one below that is a Breitling for Bentley Motors watch which resembles the watch in the aforementioned "bong" photo but Phelps is not paid to wear that watch.
The Michael Phelps watch collection is quite expensive and I am sure Phelps is paid a lot of money to wear one. These Omega watches run between $2,000 and $3,000 but none of the watches or the variations featured at the Omega website matches what the person in the photograph is wearing.
The only evidence that can conclusively confirm whether Michael Phelps was taking a "hit off a bong" is if the "bribe" that Clifford Bloxham is accused of offering is true and can be documented.
Link to the Omega Michael Phelps Collection: [Link]
I put edits to the post in red.
Have you noticed that there are several "A-List" celebrities who never get in the tabloids? Stars like Meryl Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Johnny Depp and there is even a couple of young actors, like Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams and even Daniel Radcliffe who never get defamed?
I was told once that celebrities have gigantic mansions because they can never leave them. These celebrities with big homes only come out for award shows and promo tours that are largely handled by "Blackwater Mercenaries" who will shoot a paparazzi if he shows up without permission or just because they thought the camera "might be loaded."
Can you tell I am sneaking up on the alleged Michael Phelps' bong photo?
His handler's pretty much confirmed the photo is Michael Phelps if what the News of the World printed is true. My constructive criticism for Michael Phelps is that he disappears to some pool, handle his perceived drug and alcohol issues, if he has any, and make no statement whatsoever to the media. Then he should consider spanking his PR team or even hire a new PR "assassin" to replace his current spokesperson who actually did this to him:
From News of the World: "...Phelps is represented by marketing giant Octagon, which works with huge brands such as Mastercard and HSBC. They admitted proven cannabis use would be “a major taint” on Phelps’ character.
Spokesman Clifford Bloxham offered us an extraordinary deal not to publish our story, saying Phelps would become our columnist for three years, host events and get his sponsors to advertise with us.
In return, he asked that we kill Phelps’ bong picture. Bloxham said: “It’s seeing if something potentially very negative for Michael could turn into something very positive for the News of the World.”
If this allegation actually took place then that is called a bribe and they utterly embarassed Michael Phelps who probably never would have offered that or if he had good management never would have offered.