for the website HKLUG: [Link]
USA Swimming did not submit the names of Kirk and Lara Jackson, who finished third in the 50 freestyle at the trials, as alternates on its roster, to be summoned only if Hardy loses her appeal. ..." [Link]
Memo to USA Swimming: If the above is correct, the perception of ethics and morals within the organization are looking way beyond sketchy at this point. You have an anti-trade lawsuit on the horizon with TYR, you failed to follow your own rules in determining the proper line of succession if a swimmer or swimmers fail a drug test, You have bullied Floswimming which is one of the most popular swim sites on the net and finally for a government sanctioned National Governing Body you are the least transparent non-profit I have ever seen.
How often do non-profit governing bodies get sued anyway? Apparently, Tara Kirk, looks pretty amped up to perhaps make it another lawsuit too. Could this become a class action lawsuit with Kirk, Jackson, and Weir on the list?
All of this nonsense in just the past six months as well. Pathetic!
Gould added: "What are the protocols? How exactly do they test the suits? What are the specific scientific tests they do to determine whether these suits float or not? I've done tests myself and they float higher than a lily pad. ..." [Link]
Shane Gould won 3 golds, a silver and a bronze in the 1972 Munich Olympics. "... She is the only person, male or female, to hold every world freestyle record from 100 m to 1500 m simultaneously, and the first female swimmer ever to win three Olympic gold medals in world record time. ... wikipedia" The positive test, the person said, was sandwiched between negative test results on July 1, after Hardy’s victory in the 100 breaststroke, and on July 6, after she finished second in the 50 freestyle behind Dara Torres. [Link]
'I saw a couple of times people hitting him and swimming over him and obviously hurt him quite badly, and he just didn't have enough in the end,' said compatriot Ky Hurst. ..." [Link]
I don't buy it. I think open water swimming at that level is all about calculated retaliation.
“Other swimmers noticed the gentleman in the water, and they were actually waving and signaling for the nearby jet boats to come assist them,” Burke said.
He added: “We did have life support on the boats that were monitoring the swim course. There’s medical staff on those boats, so if the guy had a situation in the water, he’s getting the best medical care. ...” [Link]
Poleska won the bronze medal at the 2004 Olympics in Athens and silver at the 2005 world championships in Montreal.
German swimming federation rules allow participation in foreign college or school swimming teams but not foreign clubs. According to those rules, Poleska should not have been allowed to swim at the German national championships. ..." [Link]"But he never whined. He never said life's not fair. He has that stick-to-it-iveness."
So a cancer diagnosis? "It's not like he called and said, 'Oh, my gosh, why me? Poor me! I was just on the verge! I had worked so hard!' There was never any of that stuff," Davis said. "It was just another bump in the road on the way to making the Olympic team. ..." [Link]
Eric Shanteau gallery at MSNBC: [Link]
I was told that the seams and the different fabrics are arranged in such a way to force you to have better body position. I still don't really understand how, but I now believe that it's true.
And the fabric really is water-repellent. Underwater, the suit appears to glow, because of tiny air bubbles that gather on the surface. When you get out, the water beads right off the suit, and it never feels wet. ..." [Link]
Here is a link to the NBC Olympics Pamela Barone TYR Tracer Rise "test drive" gallery. Be sure to scroll down and see other fantastic galleries of Olympic swimmers: [Link]
"If I didn't make the team, the decision would have been easy: Go home and have the surgery," Shanteau said. "I made the team, so I had a hard decision. But, by no means am I being stupid about this." [Link]
He is going to compete in the Olympics despite his doctor's advice. If I was 24-years-old I would do the same thing and compete. If I tried now my friends and family would have none of that.But locking up a stunning fifth Olympic appearance on the Fourth of July by winning the 100-meter freestyle makes me wonder whether too good to be true is the same thing as too good to be clean. ..." [Link]
Note that he didn't end that sentence with a question mark.
You know what? Even Gary Hall trusts Dara Torres!!!“The LZR takes about 20 minutes to put on,” said Natalie Coughlin, who won five medals at the Athens Olympics and is expected to win more in Beijing. “It’s just incredibly tight, especially around the legs. You inch it up millimeter by millimeter.”
So why deal with it? “They tell me it’s better,” she says. “So I wear it.” [Link]