Thursday, April 30, 2009
Here is a fun promo from Universal Sports! - Can't wait to see Phelps' new freestyle!
Charlotte will be streamed live and I am looking forward to seeing Phelps' new freestyle approach; and how about that 50 fly world record by Rafael Munoz Perez set at the Sapinish Championships? Will we have to wait for FINA World Championships to see Phelps' response?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The most informative article I have ever read regarding the Jaked!

From the ChinaDaily:
"... Some competitors said the suit had nothing to do with their displays.
Spaniard Rafael Munoz, who broke the 50 butterfly world record wearing a Jaked suit earlier this month and set a 100 butterfly European record on Saturday, said: "My times don't depend on the suit because if you throw it into the water it doesn't move by itself.
"It also has less buoyancy than others. It repels the water and could give some advantage but my times can only be achieved with a lot of work." ..."
What also seems quite scandalous is that Bernard was wearing a suit without official FINA approval though Arena, his sponsor, say they submitted the suit well before the suit deadline! What does that mean before the suit deadline? Submission and approval are to different concepts.
Urethane is apparently the "new" Chloroprene; (The Jaked is all polyurethane), but now there is a rule in place for January 1st which states that only 50% of a speedsuit can be covered in polyurethane. The Speedo LZR and the TYR Tracer Rise make use of the urethane plates and they would seemingly be legal whereas the Jaked and others will have to undergo a major design retool.
What a coincidence that the two largest suit manufacturers happen to all ready meet that requirement well before that rule was even suggested in Dubai. (I am being sarcastic.) Could a person assume that both Speedo and TYR used their political leverage to game FINA? I don't know, but they both seemed better prepared design-wise heading into January 1st.
For instance: TYR has a Chloroprene suit; (TYR Titan), a polyurethane paneled suit; (Tracer Rise), and a "nylon" suit; (Tracer Light). They will certainly have one or more legal suits come 2010 whereas Jaked, Blueseventy, Rocket Science, and Arena may have some hefty R&D costs if FINA decides to reject what they have already approved.
As for Speedo, their urethane panels currently meet the 50% rule all ready out of the gate. It almost seems like some "psychic" alerted them to this rule two years in advance since their suit absolutely meets the "letter of the law" so thoroughly. It's almost creepy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It was Fred Bousquet that set the WR in the 50 LCM Free not the 'Jaked!'

Fina approved the Jaked swimsuit just like they did the Speedo LZR, the Tracer Rise, and the blueseventy Nero. The Jaked appeared in Beijing but it took an incredibly talented swimmer to break that 50 Free WR this week and Fred Bousquet was that person not his suit.
Note that the upper tier swimmers who are criticizing rubberized suits in the press are seemingly sponsored by suit manaufacturers not producing a rubberized suit.
From the Brisbane Times:Oh, by the way, Bernard is sponsored by Arena.The suit wars have led to the atmosphere on the pool deck at the French national titles becoming poisonous with even Bernard's coach Denis Auguin lamenting the situation.
"I read that (Frenchman) Amaury Leveaux had a suit psychosis panic attack with all the suits before the 100 final with all of these guys wearing all these suits ... it shouldn't be that," Sullivan told AAP.
"Fair enough people get nervous but it should not be because of what someone is wearing.
"I think it is pretty ridiculous that it has got to this point."
Good guys wear black - Here are some of my teammates simming in the 2009 SPMA SCY Regionals!

Dan Leonard swam so well at Regionals: His most impressive showing as far as I am concerned was a 30.48 in the 50-breast placing second in a field of twelve. I bet he goes a high :29. at Nationals.

Chris Beach's best stroke is anyone he happens to be swimming. These are just some of the times he posted that blew me away:
- 50 SCY Breast - 28.07
- 50 SCY Free - 21.28
- 100 SCY Free - 47.73
- 200 SCY Free - 1:45.59
- 100 SCY IM - 55.72

Daniel needs no "stinkin' speedsuit" when swimming the 50 SCY Butterfly for fun - Time: 28.54!
Ultimately, I swim with giants and it is very inspiring!
Monday, April 27, 2009
The 2012 Olympiad: The Royal Mint has class! - Can you find the swimmer on the back of this coin?
From the Creative Review Blog in the UK : "The coin is the first in a series of four to be launched annually from now until 2012. On the reverse, it features the number three to signify three years until the start of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, alongside images of swimmers racing to the finish line, while the framework border is a reference to the new Olympic stadium as seen from above. [Link]From Coin News: "... The reverse or tails side of the coin features a running track, symbolizing the Olympic Games, and was created by Royal Mint engraver Thomas T. Docherty. Within the track is the 1908 anniversary date and circling the track itself are the words, "LONDON OLYMPIC CENTENARY".
The coin also has an incuse edge inscription, "THE 4TH OLYMPIAD LONDON". [Link]
The United States could never do something like this. We have some of the best designers in the world but the we have ugliest money in existence. You should see these quarters they have been minting here lately that are suppose to represent what is great about each state. I had this one quarter in my pocket today from Kansas featuring a warthog on the back of it but I wouldn't spend it till I was sure. It turns out it was a buffalo.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
SPMA Regionals: No 'Tin' nor Ribbons for 'Tin Medal Tony' but I did set a prsonal best in the 100 free!
Coach Ahelee set two national records.
blueseventy swimskins were everywhere though the cool kids like me wore TYR. I saw an X-terra speedsuit made of Chloroprene and wondered if it was FINA approved?
Masters swimmers like speedsuits and if they are men, they insist upon wearing modesty suits underneath and by modesty suit I mean male briefs, not $350 speedsuts!
There was lots of talk about SCY Nationals in Clovis, CA: Gold Medal Mel, Rowdy Gaines would be going. Lots of excitement and I truly sense that masters swimmers is attracting both new swimmers with non-swimming backgrounds and those swimmers that miss that "esprit de corp" that most individual sports like the triathlon and running lack.
My time in the 100 free was 57.18 besting my previous effort of 57.74 by a half-second. I am going to learn what I am doing wrong, then take my 100-Free time down in the 56's.
I want to to thank both the 'French Coach' and 'Maly' for working so hard to bring us the French Championships!
Above Frederick Bousquet is now the world record holder in the 50 free. He is wearing a Speedo cap but a Jaked suit. How is that for a multinational wardrobe?
Maly spent hours of her time uploading these fine Eurosport videos to YouTube.
Here is her YouTube Page: [Link]
The French Coach has been giving me good advice and provides us with this results link and I am very flattered that he did so: [Link]
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Maly sends us Alain Bernard's World Record in the 100 Free!
Maly so hooks us up! Uploading stuff to You Tube is not very fun yet she has been so generous with her time in doing so that I can't thank her enough. :-)
Phelps: Back in the lab and will debut his new freestyle technique in May at the Charlotte UltraSwim!
"... When Phelps returns to the pool in May at the Charlotte UltraSwim, he says he plans to debut a new freestyle technique, ..."
"I'm not saying anything until we unveil it. It's a significant change. You'll be able to tell exactly what I did as soon as I take my first stroke.
I'm going to try it this year. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, I'll go back to the old stroke." ..."
In you go to Charlotte to see it please upload fan videos!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Maly has been uploading video of the French Championships for all of us at 'You Tube'
Thank you, Maly, it is very nice of you to do that for us.
Watch Munoz! And how about that suit? I could never wear a suit that was "fire engine red" like that!
Maly has uploaded a ton of footage for us at You tube. Here is her channel page: [Link]
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
THIS IS HUGE: 'blueseventy' to offer $200 rebate off their next generation suit should your 'Nero swimskin' be deemed illegal in 2010!

Rob, of RobAquatics rocks the Zeitgeist! blueseventy to extend update period to April 1st rather than May 1st due to his comment to this blog and a post he made.
UPDATE: ...We are seeing the testing protocol today and not one specific to blueseventy.
Also we are looking at suits bought May 1st onwards for the buy back program.
The news has not been release yet but you have my permission to go "bang down their door" and ask if it is true. Just so you know, my source is gold and this is what I was told!
This Wednesday, FINA will be
This is how it would work: You own a NERO swimskin and FINA outlaws the suit for 2010, blueseventy will "buy it back from you" by giving you $200 off their next generation, FINA approved speedsuit!
So, if you currently own a NERO swimskin or you were thinking of buying one for USMS Nationals but wondered about FINA suit regulations circa 2010, I say go for it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Joseph B. Gould Foundation has made an amazingly large donation to the the "Make a Splash Foundation"
The Joseph B. Gould Foundation is quite well known in Los Angeles! Childrens Hospital Los Angeles is what it is today because of the contributions and support the foundation has given them.
Now the Make a Splash arm of USA Swimming is on the receiving end of their philanthropic efforts.
About the Joseph B. Gould Foundation from Childrens Hospital website:
From Swimming World:
THE USA Swimming Foundation has received the largest charitable contribution in its history with a $5 million gift from Carolyn Dirks on behalf of the Joseph B. Gould Foundation. The endowment will be used to benefit The USA Swimming Foundation's Make A Splash initiative as well as the Dirks Family Coaches Incentive Program.
Here is a link to the Make A Splash web page: [Link]"... Mr. Gould, who passed away seven years ago, was an investor in oil, gas and real estate. He established the Foundation in 1991. “He was a very giving person who wanted the world to be a better place,” explains Mrs. Dirks, a Bel-Air resident. “He always felt that if you are lucky to have good fortune, you should give back and help others.”
Following the legacy established by its founder, the Foundation supports a broad spectrum of organizations including St. John’s Health Center, and various other medical facilities and museums. They also have been a generous supporter of Stanford University, and the ski and swim teams of the United States Olympics.
“We believe that in order to make the world a better place, you need healthy people. That means your body needs to be healthy, which is why we need great medical facilities, and your mind needs to be healthy through the arts,” says Mrs. Dirks. “We need a well-rounded world.” ..."
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Marleen Veldhuis suit - It looks like something "Judy Jetson" would wear!

Is this suit a Jaked! I see no logo so I think it is. Can someone please confirm? Here is a direct link tot he that featured the image, [Link]
'Amsterdam Swim Cup:' Marleen Veldhuis nearly sets a WR in the 100 'fly
Marleen Veldhuis missed Inge De Bruijn's record by 800ths-of-a-second but at the end of the clip you can see how elated she was. she later went on to set records in the 50 free and 50 'fly.
From Swimming World:
"...After just missing Inge de Bruijn's 100 fly world record, 56.61 to 56.69, earlier in the meet, Veldhuis tore through the women's 50 fly with a scorching time of 25.33. The effort eclipsed Sweden's Therese Alshammar's global standard of 25.46 set in 2007. The swim also crushed Veldhuis' national record of 25.62 set in February of this year. ..."
Joeri Verlinden sets a Dutch Record in the 200 'fly swimming a 1.57.45
Fan video of Joeri Verlinden owning the 200 'fly at the Amsterdam Swim Cup. Anytime I watch someone swim a 200 'fly, I become more and more convinced that butterfly swimmers are born and not made.
Stefan Nystrand: Nearly sets a national record at the 'Amsterdam Swim Cup!'
Fan video of Stefan Nystrand's "windmill stroke" winning a 50-free final at the Amsterdam Swim Cup and almost setting a national record.
(Side note: In the 17th century Amsterdam was the both the economical and intellectual "center of universe." They had it all, science, art, publishing, and international shipping all because they allowed people to have an opinion without persecution. - ref: Carl Sagan - Cosmos)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Darwin, Australia: Man killed after trying to swim across a croc infested river!

Any town named Darwin, especially if it is is Australia, is suppose to be warning that there are animals therein that you simply don't touch!
It's like God put all of his practical jokes in Australia: Jellyfish the size of thimbles that can kill you, giant birds with no wings and really bad attitudes, that thing called a platypus which they tell me is deadly, who can forget the koala bears and kangaroos too, and then there is that crazy lizard that runs on two legs like it is pulling a wheelie.
This poor man in DARWIN, Australia, after drinking with his wife and friends decides it would be a really good idea in DARWIN, Australia, to swim across a river in DARWIN, Australia, that is known to be infested with crocodiles. Consequently, a horrible tragedy ensued and this poor man was devoured as his wife watched. :-(
Now, why anybody would even go near a river that is even rumored to have crocodiles in it boggles my mind especially if it is in DARWIN, Australia!
And now, after one crocodile does what crocodiles are suppose to do, all crocs are going to be shot on site at that locale so as to locate the remains of the missing man.
From the Mail Online:
A man's drunken night out led to his death when he decided to swim across a river in the dark - and was attacked by a lurking crocodile.
Witnesses claimed the man's relatives - including his wife - witnessed his death as the party attempted to return home at the end of the evening.
As the search continued for his body today, wildlife rangers have been ordered to shoot every crocodile on sight in case any of them has the man's remains in its stomach.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
UCLA Masters Meet: Blogger Joel of the '17th man' and I were in the same heat and we did not know it! - At least I beat him off the blocks! :-P
Fan Video: Amaury Leveaux versus Alain Bernard - 100m Free in Strasbourg France!
Amuary takes the lead as soon as he breaks the surface. Look how sluggish Bernard looks and how much momentum he lost on the turn. His streamline look completely ineffectual when compared to Leveaux.
Though I admire Alain Bernard's technique more than Leveaux, Amaury Leveaux looked more relaxed and put in a seemingly effortless swim.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Swimmers age gracefully! - Dara and Owen Wilson enjoying a tennis game together!
Though these two are close in age, look how much younger Dara looks. I guess Mike Freshley's law applies here: "Show me a runner who is 70 and they look like 90. Show me a swimmer who is 70 and they look like 50."
Swimmers age gracefully!
Found at the Great Tennis Photos Blog: [Link]
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Erik Hochstein: Photographed beautifully by Mark Savage!
Here are some more photos of the UCLA Masters Meet!

Erik Hockstein in flight for what I think was the 100 'fly.

The photos above are of blogger Rob of RobAquatics. Check out that wing span; he almost looks like an experimental aircraft.

Blogger Joel of the 17th Man just before the-100 fly. It was a good race between he and Michael Heather; they were head-to-head the whole way. Joel has a video of the race and it is quite fun.

Here is Dan taking it home in the 200 free. A great come-from-behind heat.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Photos from today's 'UCLA Masters Swim Meet' - More to come tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
April Pools and Fools!

It all started out with an a little email from Joel McKenna but Rob called it a "SWIM-spiracy"
MARCH 30: Joel McKenna Writes Recipients:
So, with April Fools Day approaching, I was thinking that one of us swim bloggers should announce that they will begin to train for the 2012 London Olympics and then the other bloggers would post about it. Just to see how much buzz this would all get. I think Tony would make a great Dara Torres!
MARCH 30: Tony Austin Writes Recipients:
I am to slow; it's too unbelievable; it should be you! - I could make a fake Santa Clarita results page with your name on it swimming a :48. in the 50-fly, Scott, the Canuck swimmer could say you're doping and I could say you are going to use your "lotto winnings" to finance it. [Joel has never won the Lotto] Of course Rob could interview you and could break the news.
MARCH 30: Rob of RobAquatics Writes Recipients:
So what's the plan? Who is going to be our future Olympian? We need to start making up a story and falsifying documents and such. I like Tony 2012 for the alliteration, it has a nice ring to it. But in all fairness I think Joel is the fastest of the 3 of us. Decisions decisions. Maybe we can get one of you guys sponsored :) It might reduce [ ... ] to tears on TV though.
I found a leotard at Rivers Edge Dance Wear and used that as our phony speedsuit. [Link]
Then the hoax went into action and latter in the day, this was the icing on the cake! ...
APRIL 1: Eric Writes Recipients:When I woke up this morning and checked my inbox, I cracked up for like 5-minutes. All the comments you all sent me really cheered me up. Socially it was the best thing that happened to me all month! :-D (The personal bests were the second!)
Here is my contribution: That "Matrix," vinyl-bodysuit, picture still cracks me up haha! plastron-underwater.html
What was so "existential" about doing this blogger farce is that it coincided with a particular swim-journalism scandal that happened at the NCAA races this past month!
The photo above was taken by Tancread at Here is a direct link to the photo: [Link]
More 'Splish' speedsuit details at 'Kast-a-way'

The folks at Kast-A-Way have more details regarding the Splish suit. From the Kast-A-Way blog:
Splish Swimwear will launch a website by the end of the week with more information about the suit (source). It is rumored that Splish Swimwear, makers of the adorable children's "Rainbow Explosion" and "Doodles Blue" suits, sunk hundreds of thousands of dollars into the secret development of the Splish speedsuit.
Because this suit is so new, there's only one swimmer who has worn it in competition. As reported by SCAQ Blog, Joel Mc Kenna of the17thman recently swam a 48.08 in the SCY 100 Fly at a Master's sectional meet at the Buffalo Breath Aquatics Center in Utah. In a recent blog post, Mc Kenna admits to "secretly training with designers and scientists working with Splish Swimwear" in his quest to qualify for the USA Olympic Team in 2012. More information about Mc Kenna's recent swim is still surfacing on the internet.
The "Splish" website is now live but no mention of Joel as of yet!

Here is a link to the new Splish website: [Link]