Well, Joel of the 17th Man got to wear one and he swam a 48.08 in the 100 SCY butterfly in a sectional held at Buffalo Breath Aquatics Center in Utah. (I think it's a Mormon church school pool in some rural part of Utah?)

Nonetheless, I am surprised he didn't get disqualified since the suit has not received FINA approval nor has anyone heard of it.
I got an email an hour ago that a website is going live between now and the weekend with details about the suit and an announcement that they will be sponsoring Joel McKenna, not as a masters swimmer, but as a potential Olympian!
Joel said this about the suit, "...It's like wearing "leather water!" - He said the the science is there and he pointed me to this New Scientist article regarding the material:
"...This fine layer of air ensures that water never comes into contact with the polyester fabric. It can be submerged in water for two months and still remain dry to the touch, says Seeger.
In addition, the plastron layer can also reduce drag when moving from water by up to 20% according to preliminary experiments conducted by Seeger. "This could be very interesting for athletic swimwear applications," he suggests, raising the possibility of future swimsuits that never get wet..."